A tale of two commutes
I had a pretty bad cycling commute to work this morning. Pedestrians were walking in the road, some stepped out in front of me, I cut some up. Harsh words were exchanged. Other cyclists (particular the ebike rentals) kept overtaking or expressing frustration that we weren’t travelling at their preferred speed or wanted to sneak across red lights. Everyone was pretty cranky and pissed off and the in general London felt like a place where everyone wanted everyone else gone.
Then in the evening I rode back, drinkers were in the street but generally respectful. Another cyclist dropped his wallet and another cyclist and I recovered it and were in the process of trying to find out whether we could contact the owner based on the contents when the owner returned and was very happy to reclaim it. We all virtuous and parted as friendly strangers.
Then at a red light I noticed a man letting his toddler sit on the pavement after a near tantrum and we had a quick chat and a laugh. Then when I stopped to take a call I saw an old colleague walking by and we had a quick chat and caught up.
I felt great by the time I got home and wondered how the hell this can be the same city.