I have been searching for a new game that fits the drop-in and drop-out nature of the Switch after hitting a tricky section of Hyperlight Drifter. I tried Curious Expedition but that is a punishing game that doesn’t really have sections beyond a whole expedition. The lack of real carryover between plays also feels a bit flat.

The thing that has ended up hitting the spot is Slay the Spire. Pausing in a fight is quite disruptive but otherwise you can have all these choices about the next room, merchant purchases, campfires that are easy to stop at and to come back and parse easily.

Your clear goal to clear each section means its easy to play a bit and then pick it up again later.

Unlocking the characters and other bits of the game gives a shape across multiple runs and helps blunt the pain when you resume the game and fluff it as you can’t remember what strategy you were using to shape your deck.